tidy up your life: Megan McCurry

My friend and self-described dreamer and adventurer, Megan McCurry, has been on a “tidy up your life” journey for several years. When my wife and I met her in NYC nearly a decade ago,  we were drawn to her joyful and creative spirit. Yet deep down, Megan was struggling. After years of trying to manage her anxiety and panic attacks, Megan hit a breaking point. She made the decision to move back to Texas and set herself on a new professional course with Young Living that would lead to both personal and professional fulfillment. She shares about her journey on her instagram accounts: @meganmccurry (personal) and @oilcoalition (professional) and on her website www.oilcoalition.com. Last week Emily and I spoke to Megan from her home in Austin, TX and chatted about her “tidy up your life” journey. Enjoy!

Where are you in your tidying journey?

I feel like my tidying journey is always evolving. I don’t feel like I’m ever at a completely tidy place. Things tend to get a little messy and then I have to tidy up again. It’s just a constant cycle. In my physical space, I’m always taking photos of products or mailing stuff, so it gets messy. Once it drives me crazy, I have to tidy it and then I feel so much better. Probably one day every 1-2 weeks I tidy my office and make it look really nice, and then I just work in it until it gets messy again. I’m kinda all over the place!

tidy up your life: Megan McCurry

Megan’s very first Instagram photo from 2011!

In what ways have you tidied up your work life?

I landed a fantastic opportunity at Pratt Institute in Brooklyn at age 30, where I spent 3 years planning events. Then I entered grad school while working full-time, and absolutely adored studying Arts & Cultural Management with my classmates in one of the most artistic cities in the world. NYC oozes culture in every way, shape and form, and I will forever LOVE that urban oasis.

Though I planned to finish my degree and then let life happen, I unexpectedly hit a HUGE bump in the road.

I have struggled with severe anxiety and panic attacks since high school, but 4 months of insomnia really put me over the edge. It was time to put my health first.

tidy up your life: Megan McCurry

I moved back to Texas and spent 10 months in my hometown at age 33, moving back right as my twin nieces were born, and getting my footing again. It was a difficult time to say the least, but as I look back, one that was much needed as I finally felt like I gained the confidence I had been searching for all three decades before.

I began using essential oils for the first time, as a natural approach to emotional health, and saw there was an income opportunity with Young Living. Since I was in between jobs, I thought I’d give it a whirl. So I began sharing these products and seeing success.

In the meantime, I landed a job in Austin, Texas where I worked for the American Red Cross in fundraising events.

When things seemed to be back to normal, I unexpectedly underwent a third open heart surgery to repair a valve. I returned back to work one week before the 100th anniversary gala for the Red Cross Central Texas, and with the help of my colleagues, pulled off a great event! Eventually, I made the very hard but also rewarding decision to leave my job and pursue my own adventures in Young Living full-time.

tidy up your life: Megan McCurry

When I began to share about the Young Living products I was using, it came from a genuine place. I was DONE with anxiety and panic attacks and needed a more natural way. And then I found I could clean my house and use our supplements and switch to all-natural make-up. Now I don’t worry about my hormones being disrupted with the thousands of ingredients our commercial products have in the USA that are banned in Europe! But even better, I have experienced freedom from this one little YES.

I tidied my work life up in the sense that now I am my own boss and I have time freedom.

tidy up your life: Megan McCurry

How did you know that you needed to tidy up your life?

After years working in the non-profit sector, I just knew that in my career I was never going to get to a place where I was totally financially free and completely debt free. So when I found this opportunity with Young Living, I was able to actually dream things I was never able to dream for my future before. Some of those dreams have even come true already. For example, I never would have been able to buy a house if I had stayed in my non-profit administration role.

I’m not very traditional, and I have always been willing to take risks, especially professional risks. Those risks have been a trade-off for personal freedoms. I love that I can just pick up and go when I want to travel or go to visit my family.

tidy up your life: Megan McCurry

What aspects of work bring you the most joy?

My favorite part of my job is the community that I’ve built and the people I get to interact with. The community is so life-giving. I have people on my Young Living team from all over the world. It’s fun to work with people who are so different, yet have the same goals. We all want to spread health and wellness awareness by educating people about the use of essential oils and non-toxic products, and selling them. I love that my community and I are able to help each other work towards goals.

Young Living oils

How do you describe your work to others?

I usually just say, “I sell Young Living Essential Oils,” but it’s hard to describe what I actually do. As part of my work, I teach people about living with toxic-free products. I spend a lot of time networking with others, producing content for social media, and making marketing materials.

Many people don’t understand the term “network marketing”, or have preconceived negative notions about it, and I feel like they are judging my work. The 9:00-5:00 work schedule has been ingrained in us, but that usually means a capped salary and very little room for growth.

Freedom was never found in spending 9-5 at a desk – at least it wasn’t for me. Residual income has meant freedom for me. It’s a guaranteed paycheck forever. Not a day goes by that I am not oozing with gratefulness for the industry that is network marketing.

tidy up your life: Megan McCurry

What routines are you looking to revamp in the fall?

I would really like to get more organized with my social media content and with my business systems. I want a better way to organize client prospects. I am usually a pen, paper, and google sheets type of person, and I have tried out many different online organizational systems, but I just want to get everything streamlined!

tidy up your life: Megan McCurry

What is next for you?

I have big dreams. I no longer dismiss them like I used to when my time or salary wouldn’t allow it. I make a plan for them.

But while I have big dreams, lately I’ve also been struggling.

In the next 1-2 years, I am looking at leasing my house and taking off on a 12-month RV adventure across our great country. But it’s hard because I’ve been doing this for so long and I see others who are also Young Living distributors who are professionally already way past me. I struggle with comparison.

tidy up your life: Megan McCurry

My job doesn’t take 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, which is the beauty of it, but I sometimes feel guilty that I’m not sitting at my desk for 8 straight hours each day. I probably actually do work 8 hours a day, but sporadically. I’m working at night all the time.

I feel like it may be smart for me to get a part-time, 2-day-a-week job, to earn a little extra money while I’m growing my business. I think focusing less hours on Young Living may actually make me more productive. Right now I literally have all the time you could ever imagine, but I want to be more disciplined.

I love what I do and I am passionate about sharing more about my lifestyle and Young Living products. It has been freeing and so life-changing!

for pinterest

If you want to follow along with Megan’s “tidy up your life” journey, check out her instagram accounts: @meganmccurry (personal) and @oilcoalition (professional). You can also check out her website www.oilcoalition.com 

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Hi, I'm Tidy Dad!

Tyler Moore is the bestselling author of "Tidy Up Your Life" and creator of the
"Tidy Dad" Instagram, TikTok, and website. A NYC public school teacher, husband, and father of three, he’s been featured on The Today Show, Good Morning America, The Washington Post, The New York Times, HGTV, and more. Tyler lives with his wife, Emily and their daughters in Queens, NY, and spends summers at their tidy cottage in the Poconos.

August 8, 2020

Tidy Up Your Life: with Megan McCurry

tidy up your life: Megan McCurry

My friend and self-described dreamer and adventurer, Megan McCurry, has been on a “tidy up your life” journey for several years. When my wife and I met her in NYC nearly a decade ago,  we were drawn to her joyful and creative spirit. Yet deep down, Megan was struggling. After years of trying to manage her anxiety and panic attacks, Megan hit a breaking point. She made the decision to move back to Texas and set herself on a new professional course with Young Living that would lead to both personal and professional fulfillment. She shares about her journey on her instagram accounts: @meganmccurry (personal) and @oilcoalition (professional) and on her website www.oilcoalition.com. Last week Emily and I spoke to Megan from her home in Austin, TX and chatted about her “tidy up your life” journey. Enjoy!

Where are you in your tidying journey?

I feel like my tidying journey is always evolving. I don’t feel like I’m ever at a completely tidy place. Things tend to get a little messy and then I have to tidy up again. It’s just a constant cycle. In my physical space, I’m always taking photos of products or mailing stuff, so it gets messy. Once it drives me crazy, I have to tidy it and then I feel so much better. Probably one day every 1-2 weeks I tidy my office and make it look really nice, and then I just work in it until it gets messy again. I’m kinda all over the place!

tidy up your life: Megan McCurry

Megan’s very first Instagram photo from 2011!

In what ways have you tidied up your work life?

I landed a fantastic opportunity at Pratt Institute in Brooklyn at age 30, where I spent 3 years planning events. Then I entered grad school while working full-time, and absolutely adored studying Arts & Cultural Management with my classmates in one of the most artistic cities in the world. NYC oozes culture in every way, shape and form, and I will forever LOVE that urban oasis.

Though I planned to finish my degree and then let life happen, I unexpectedly hit a HUGE bump in the road.

I have struggled with severe anxiety and panic attacks since high school, but 4 months of insomnia really put me over the edge. It was time to put my health first.

tidy up your life: Megan McCurry

I moved back to Texas and spent 10 months in my hometown at age 33, moving back right as my twin nieces were born, and getting my footing again. It was a difficult time to say the least, but as I look back, one that was much needed as I finally felt like I gained the confidence I had been searching for all three decades before.

I began using essential oils for the first time, as a natural approach to emotional health, and saw there was an income opportunity with Young Living. Since I was in between jobs, I thought I’d give it a whirl. So I began sharing these products and seeing success.

In the meantime, I landed a job in Austin, Texas where I worked for the American Red Cross in fundraising events.

When things seemed to be back to normal, I unexpectedly underwent a third open heart surgery to repair a valve. I returned back to work one week before the 100th anniversary gala for the Red Cross Central Texas, and with the help of my colleagues, pulled off a great event! Eventually, I made the very hard but also rewarding decision to leave my job and pursue my own adventures in Young Living full-time.

tidy up your life: Megan McCurry

When I began to share about the Young Living products I was using, it came from a genuine place. I was DONE with anxiety and panic attacks and needed a more natural way. And then I found I could clean my house and use our supplements and switch to all-natural make-up. Now I don’t worry about my hormones being disrupted with the thousands of ingredients our commercial products have in the USA that are banned in Europe! But even better, I have experienced freedom from this one little YES.

I tidied my work life up in the sense that now I am my own boss and I have time freedom.

tidy up your life: Megan McCurry

How did you know that you needed to tidy up your life?

After years working in the non-profit sector, I just knew that in my career I was never going to get to a place where I was totally financially free and completely debt free. So when I found this opportunity with Young Living, I was able to actually dream things I was never able to dream for my future before. Some of those dreams have even come true already. For example, I never would have been able to buy a house if I had stayed in my non-profit administration role.

I’m not very traditional, and I have always been willing to take risks, especially professional risks. Those risks have been a trade-off for personal freedoms. I love that I can just pick up and go when I want to travel or go to visit my family.

tidy up your life: Megan McCurry

What aspects of work bring you the most joy?

My favorite part of my job is the community that I’ve built and the people I get to interact with. The community is so life-giving. I have people on my Young Living team from all over the world. It’s fun to work with people who are so different, yet have the same goals. We all want to spread health and wellness awareness by educating people about the use of essential oils and non-toxic products, and selling them. I love that my community and I are able to help each other work towards goals.

Young Living oils

How do you describe your work to others?

I usually just say, “I sell Young Living Essential Oils,” but it’s hard to describe what I actually do. As part of my work, I teach people about living with toxic-free products. I spend a lot of time networking with others, producing content for social media, and making marketing materials.

Many people don’t understand the term “network marketing”, or have preconceived negative notions about it, and I feel like they are judging my work. The 9:00-5:00 work schedule has been ingrained in us, but that usually means a capped salary and very little room for growth.

Freedom was never found in spending 9-5 at a desk – at least it wasn’t for me. Residual income has meant freedom for me. It’s a guaranteed paycheck forever. Not a day goes by that I am not oozing with gratefulness for the industry that is network marketing.

tidy up your life: Megan McCurry

What routines are you looking to revamp in the fall?

I would really like to get more organized with my social media content and with my business systems. I want a better way to organize client prospects. I am usually a pen, paper, and google sheets type of person, and I have tried out many different online organizational systems, but I just want to get everything streamlined!

tidy up your life: Megan McCurry

What is next for you?

I have big dreams. I no longer dismiss them like I used to when my time or salary wouldn’t allow it. I make a plan for them.

But while I have big dreams, lately I’ve also been struggling.

In the next 1-2 years, I am looking at leasing my house and taking off on a 12-month RV adventure across our great country. But it’s hard because I’ve been doing this for so long and I see others who are also Young Living distributors who are professionally already way past me. I struggle with comparison.

tidy up your life: Megan McCurry

My job doesn’t take 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, which is the beauty of it, but I sometimes feel guilty that I’m not sitting at my desk for 8 straight hours each day. I probably actually do work 8 hours a day, but sporadically. I’m working at night all the time.

I feel like it may be smart for me to get a part-time, 2-day-a-week job, to earn a little extra money while I’m growing my business. I think focusing less hours on Young Living may actually make me more productive. Right now I literally have all the time you could ever imagine, but I want to be more disciplined.

I love what I do and I am passionate about sharing more about my lifestyle and Young Living products. It has been freeing and so life-changing!

for pinterest

If you want to follow along with Megan’s “tidy up your life” journey, check out her instagram accounts: @meganmccurry (personal) and @oilcoalition (professional). You can also check out her website www.oilcoalition.com 

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August 8, 2020

Tidy Up Your Life: with Megan McCurry

Hi, I'm Tidy Dad!

Tyler Moore is the creator of the “Tidy Dad” Instagram, TikTok, and website. A public school teacher in New York City, husband, and father of three young daughters, he has been featured on Good Morning America and in The Washington Post, The New York Times, New York Post, Better Homes & Gardens Secrets of Getting Organized magazine, Apartment Therapy, and many podcasts including HGTV and Minimalist Moms. During the school year, he lives with his wife, Emily, a pediatric occupational therapist, and three daughters in Queens, New York. In the summer, they spend as much time as possible in their small but tidy cottage in the Poconos.

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