Tidy Dad Summer Cocktail
This year for my birthday my brother-in-law and sister-in-law gifted me my own signature summer cocktail. They know me well and gifted me with ingredients and directions to make a fruity summer cocktail in my signature blue color! This summer cocktail is perfect for a summertime party!
Tidy Dad Summer Cocktail

Tidy Dad Cocktail


  • 2 cups ice
  • 1/4 cup blue curaçao
  • 1 cup white rum
  • 2 cups lemonade
  • 4 lemon slices
  • 8 maraschino cherries


*Makes 4 drinks



  1. Use a shaker bottle to mix 1 cup of ice with the blue curaçao, rum, and lemonade. A shaker bottle helps to blend the ingredients to get a smooth, chilled finish, and then you can pour it into glasses
  2. Skewer a lemon slice and 2 maraschino cherries on an umbrella party pick and garnish drinks before serving. Top each glass with a fun drink topper!


You can also explore all of our family’s other favorite recipes, and shop our favorite kitchen products!


Thanks for pinning: Tidy Dad Cocktail!


This post contains affiliate links. We may earn a small commission for purchases made through these links. We hope you enjoy trying out this fun summer cocktail recipe!


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Hi, I'm Tidy Dad!

Tyler Moore is the creator of the “Tidy Dad” Instagram, TikTok, and website. A public school teacher in New York City, husband, and father of three young daughters, he has been featured on Good Morning America and in The Washington Post, The New York Times, New York Post, Better Homes & Gardens Secrets of Getting Organized magazine, Apartment Therapy, and many podcasts including HGTV and Minimalist Moms. During the school year, he lives with his wife, Emily, a pediatric occupational therapist, and three daughters in Queens, New York. In the summer, they spend as much time as possible in their small but tidy cottage in the Poconos.

June 15, 2020

Tidy Dad Cocktail!

Tidy Dad Summer Cocktail
This year for my birthday my brother-in-law and sister-in-law gifted me my own signature summer cocktail. They know me well and gifted me with ingredients and directions to make a fruity summer cocktail in my signature blue color! This summer cocktail is perfect for a summertime party!
Tidy Dad Summer Cocktail

Tidy Dad Cocktail


  • 2 cups ice
  • 1/4 cup blue curaçao
  • 1 cup white rum
  • 2 cups lemonade
  • 4 lemon slices
  • 8 maraschino cherries


*Makes 4 drinks



  1. Use a shaker bottle to mix 1 cup of ice with the blue curaçao, rum, and lemonade. A shaker bottle helps to blend the ingredients to get a smooth, chilled finish, and then you can pour it into glasses
  2. Skewer a lemon slice and 2 maraschino cherries on an umbrella party pick and garnish drinks before serving. Top each glass with a fun drink topper!


You can also explore all of our family’s other favorite recipes, and shop our favorite kitchen products!


Thanks for pinning: Tidy Dad Cocktail!


This post contains affiliate links. We may earn a small commission for purchases made through these links. We hope you enjoy trying out this fun summer cocktail recipe!


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June 15, 2020

Tidy Dad Cocktail!

Hi, I'm Tidy Dad!

Tyler Moore is the creator of the “Tidy Dad” Instagram, TikTok, and website. A public school teacher in New York City, husband, and father of three young daughters, he has been featured on Good Morning America and in The Washington Post, The New York Times, New York Post, Better Homes & Gardens Secrets of Getting Organized magazine, Apartment Therapy, and many podcasts including HGTV and Minimalist Moms. During the school year, he lives with his wife, Emily, a pediatric occupational therapist, and three daughters in Queens, New York. In the summer, they spend as much time as possible in their small but tidy cottage in the Poconos.

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